An Accrington man who installed a secret camera so he could film girls for his sexual gratification has been jailed for more than six years.

Daniel Croasdale also tried to drug his victim with a sedative so he could sexually assault her.

Croasdale, 38, of Westwood Street, Accrington, admitted voyeurism, sexual assault and making an indecent photograph of a child relating to one female teenage victim.

He also admitted voyeurism and making an indecent photograph relating to another teenage girl.

Croasdale was sentenced to a total of six years and six months in prison at Preston Crown Court last week. He was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for life and will be the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 15 years.

Det Sgt Amy Tattersall, said: “This is a serious case in which the defendant preyed on the victim and planned out his abuse beforehand by placing a sedative in her drink. I’ve been working with the victim in this case for the past three years.

“She has shown such strength and courage in how she has dealt with this situation that it can only be admired. I’d like to praise her family for the dignity they showed during the court proceedings which were naturally highly emotionally charged.

“Her tenacity and resilience resulted in the eventual guilty plea, and I hope that the sentence provides her with the validation and justice that she needs to be able to move forwards with her life positively.”