Trafford Council has issued no fines to dog owners despite hundreds of complaints over dog poo, according to data released after a request under the Environmental Information Regulations.

Residents have already put in a total of 80 service requests concerning dog poo to the council as of April this year – beating the totals of the last three years, suggesting the problem is growing.

However, Trafford Council has said it is ‘very difficult to witness dog fouling happening in real time’.

In 2021, 58 complaints were put in to the council, followed by 22 in 2022. This skyrocketed to 79 in 2023, and has already reached 80 in the first four months of 2024.

The worst part of the borough since 2023 by far has been Stretford & Humphrey Park, with 26 requests since 2023, followed by neighbouring ward Gorse Hill & Cornbrook, with 15.

The only poo-free part of the borough since 2023 was Brooklands, with zero requests recorded.

According to Keep Britain Tidy, anyone who fails to clear up after their dog can be issued with a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice. If it goes to court, the amount could rise to £1,000.

Trafford Council’s website provides a portal for reporting dog fouling, adding that those who fail to pick up dog poo ‘display a disregard for other people, public health and the local environment’.

A spokesperson for Trafford Council said: “The council is totally committed to tackling the issue of dog fouling in the borough and will take every action necessary to prevent it from happening.

"However, in the majority of cases we tend to take more of a proactive approach rather than enforcement as it is very difficult to witness dog fouling happening in real time.

“In hotspot areas we increase officer patrols, deliver dog fouling leaflets to properties, place dog fouling stickers on lamp columns and use dog fouling stencils on pavements in areas that are particularly bad.

“We also display posters and engage with local schools to make children aware of the issues. We would, of course, strongly encourage dog owners to always pick up their pet’s waste and dispose of it properly.

“To report incidents of dog fouling, please go to”

Situation similar across city-region

Dog poo enforcement is similarly low across other boroughs in the city-region.

In Wigan, 2,111 complaints had been made, with just two fines, at £150. Bury didn’t fair any better – with 266 complaints and no fines at all.

In Oldham, 571 reports had been made since 2021, but just two fixed penalties had been issued, at a value of £200. In Stockport, 793 complaints resulted in 10 fines, at a value of £1,000.

In Bolton, 23 fines were issued against a total 1,107 complaints, at a total of £2,010.

Rochdale saw two fines after 867 service requests.

Manchester Council has issued the most fines, at 50 fines since 2021. However, a whopping 3,474 complaints had been made to the authority.

Salford Council and Tameside Council did not respond. 

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