The National Lottery Community Fund is supporting a three-year project to provide free outdoor wellbeing groups for men in Chorley.

The partnership is delivered by Wildwood Days CIC and Shine Coaching CIC, with the project aiming to train more people in providing outdoor wellbeing groups.

Wildwood Days is a community-focussed forest school running outdoor sessions for a variety of groups, while Shine Coaching is a community interest company providing goal-oriented, practical solutions to reduce anger and conflict and improve mental health, specifically for men.

The organisations have worked together since 2022 when staff and volunteers from both companies completed "Naturewell" training together.

Naturewell is an approach rooted in supporting people and nature to recover and flourish together.

Wildwood Days now hosts two weekly groups for men on Thursdays and Fridays, and a women’s well-being group, all using elements of the Naturewell approach.

The men’s groups are free to attend and welcome men of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.

The Thursday afternoon is a volunteer group focused on more practical tasks and completing building projects and site maintenance activities at Wildwood Days.

The Friday afternoon group is a more relaxed, informal, campfire gathering where the men enjoy cooking campfire food and experience how being together in nature can support them to feel well.

The groups say the lottery funding will help them to grow and help as many people as possible.

The three-year project will:

  • Allow the continued running and development of the two ongoing weekly men’s groups at Wildwood Days
  • Provide professional Naturewell training for volunteers, staff, and contacts from other organisations
  • Provide support for men from groups to network with and collaborate with other men’s groups and to contribute to UK-wide nature-based development
  • Run 14 immersive nature and wellbeing events at Wildwood Days’ site and across East Lancashire
  • Deliver a five-week Naturewell course online through an established collaboration with Community Roots – Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
  • Five free online Naturewell workshops for men in collaboration with The Natural Academy
  • Develop ongoing collaborations and share learning between Wildwood Days and Shine Coaching with other health and wellbeing and nature-based organisations in East Lancashire
  • Provide a fund for women on low income to enable them to attend the women’s Naturewell group

Elizabeth Webley, director of Wildwood Days, said: “We are so happy and excited to have received this funding.

"It means we can keep the groups free to attend and reach even more people with this fantastic approach.

“Being outside and connecting to nature makes everyone feel better and it’s wonderful to have the support to help spread the Naturewell approach through Lancashire.”