A NEW forum for young worshippers is set to be launched at Blackburn Cathedral today.

Bishop of Blackburn, the Right Rev Philip North, made mission work with young people one of his goals when he assumed the position last summer.

And as well as organising an annual diocesan holiday for younger worshippers, there is now the creation of a new Youth Forum.

Bishop Philip said in a sermon last year: "The Youth Forum will not be too formal. Instead, our meetings will comprise a wide range of activities and will be fast-paced and enjoyable.

“There will be food, relationship building, worship and games as well as times of conversation and debate. The idea is to encourage those taking part to take time to listen to each other and to listen to God.

“Currently we are asking older people in our parishes to stand for election for Diocesan Synod. It’s a three-week campaign running until May 23 when nominations close.

"I’m pleased to say this new Youth Forum was set up in direct response to a question raised at Diocesan Synod and highlighting the need for such a body.”

The forum will feed their views into the Diocesan Synod on youth and children's ministry and take part in consultation processes for a new strategy, which will replace Vision 2026 in two years' time.

Diocesan youth advisor, Ben Green adds: “Our Youth Forum will be a diverse group of young people. We will work hard to ensure that all members can find their voice.

“Young people who bring energy, imagination and a sense of mischief can often make an especially strong contribution. Above all we want young people to be inspired by the person of Jesus.”

The first Youth Forum meeting will be on Saturday from 11am until 4pm and will take place in the Crypt of the Cathedral.

For more information, contact Ben Green on youth@blackburn.anglican.org or sign up via the diocese website.