A couple from Clayton-le-Moors have showcased their impressive weight loss after years of failed ‘fad diets’ and food restrictions.

Mel and Darren said they slowly gained weight over the years, not realising the impact it was having on their health and happiness.

Darren, in particular, suffers with sleep apnoea, a condition where your breathing stops and starts while you sleep. The condition is greatly impacted by being overweight.

Lancashire Telegraph: Mel, before losing weight with Slimming WorldMel, before losing weight with Slimming World (Image: Slimming World)

Mel said: “Over the years we’d tried several fad diets, restricting our food, and feeling deprived – and all without losing much weight!

“Needless to say, we never stuck at anything for long, it was just too hard, and any weight we had lost was soon put back on, and more besides!”

When their daughter brought them the news that she was planning her dream wedding in Kefalonia, they decided to spring into action and tackle their weight issues.

After trying many ways to lose weight without success, Mel searched for a new approach and found a Slimming World group in her local area. They decided to join that very night in April 2023 and see what it was all about.

Mel and Darren were introduced to a concept called food optimising by consultant Louise Woodcock.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Mel and Darren showcase their impressive weightloss

Darren said: “I honestly couldn’t believe what I was hearing – simple changes to the way we shop, cook, and eat meant that we could enjoy all our favourite family meals and lose weight too.

“Learning how to fill our appetites with healthy, everyday ingredients that we love while reducing calories by cooking without adding oils and fats was a real lightbulb moment. It gave us an instant belief that this was the eating plan for us!”

Lancashire Telegraph: Darren before (left) and after (right) losing weightDarren before (left) and after (right) losing weight (Image: Slimming World)

Alongside their new healthy eating plan, Mel and Darren also embraced an active lifestyle, introducing exercise into their routine. Building activity at their own pace into their days through walking and then running – Mel and Darren are now fitter than ever.

Starting with Couch to 5k, Mel went on to complete the Race for Life, raising £1,000 for Cancer Research UK in memory of her late father.  

With a combined weight loss of more than five-and-a-half stone, Mel and Darren have never felt better, looking, and feeling great at their daughter’s wedding brought home to them just what they had achieved.

They credit much of their success to the support of their Slimming World consultant and fellow members of the group.

Mel said: “Trying to lose weight without support is just impossible. Being surrounded by others who knew exactly how we were feeling made the world of difference.

“The group is always on hand to offer advice, ideas, and they were our biggest cheerleaders – as we are theirs too.”

Louise, their consultant, said: “I couldn’t be prouder of Mel and Darren. Not only have they achieved their weight loss dreams but they are a huge inspiration to the other members of the group.

“They are the first to offer a kind word or a recipe tip when needed and it’s a pleasure to have them as part of our Slimming World family.”

The Clayton-le-Moors Slimming World group is on Tuesday evenings at The Forts Arms function room, Lower Barnes Street at 5.30pm and 7pm.

For more information contact Louise 07879 898611 or head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk.