A Coronation Street star and his wife, who live in Rawtenstall, have announced the birth of their third child.

Sam Aston, who plays Chesney Brown on the ITV soap, and wife Briony made the birth announcement on Instagram.

They have also revealed the name of their baby.

Hazel Marie Aston was born on May 7, weighing eight pounds and 15 ounces.

The couple shared candid photos of the birth to their followers with the caption "welcome to the world...Hazel Marie Aston".

Briony revealed that she had a home birth adding that she will share the birth story at a later date.

She said: “I will tell you how incredibly safe and held I felt with my smashing birth team.”

The couple already have two children, three-year-old Sonny and two-year-old Daisy.

Sam and Briony announced they were expecting their third child, last November.

The couple revealed that they were initially expecting twins before losing one of the babies to vanishing twin syndrome, when a twin or multiple disappears in the uterus during pregnancy.

Briony is a hypnobirthing teacher and a doula, which is a person who supports women through labour and birth.

Her Crawshawbooth baby yoga business, Happy Baby Studio, is temporarily closed she and co-owner Olivia Phillips can focus on building their families.

Sam has played Chesney in Coronation Street since 2003.

His job role has prepared him for fatherhood as his character became a father-of-five in 2019 when his partner on the show, Gemma Winter, gave birth to quadruplets.