A CAR which had been hit by a van pulling out of a side street collided with the front of a pub.

Blackburn magistrates the driver of the van left the scene and in court Kenneth Marsden claimed he didn’t know he had hit the other vehicle.

The car driver, 21-year-old university student Macy Donnelly, said in a victim impact statement that the incident had affected her emotionally and psychologically.

“On the day of the incident I was simply going about my daily life unaware that in a split second everything would change,” she said. “Since that day I have been overwhelmed by anxiety. I’m haunted by the possibility of this happening again.”

Marsden, 65, of Bishopdale Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention and failing to stop after an accident.

He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 160 hours unpaid work.

His licence was endorsed with nine penalty points which led to a totting-up disqualification of six months. Marsden was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

Glenn Anderton, prosecuting, said the incident happened at 6pm at the junction of Shorrock Lane and Livesey Branch Road.

Miss Donnelly was driving her Ford Ka along Livesey Branch Road towards Ewood. As she passed the junction with Shorrock Lane a red Transit van pulled out and hit her car on the nearside.

CCTV footage showed Miss Donnelly’s car collide with the front of the Wellington Hotel and a car parked outside the pub.

Lancashire Telegraph: A CCTV still of the crashA CCTV still of the crash shows Miss Donnelly's car smashing into the pub after being hit by Marsden's red van

“Thankfully nobody was coming out of the pub at the time because there could have been disastrous results if that had been the case,” said Mr Anderton.

He said Miss Donnelly suffered a fractured wrist, whiplash and extensive bruising and needed hospital treatment.

Police had a partial number plate and traced the Ford Transit to Marsden’s address. It was parked outside with clear damage.

“There was a screw sticking out of the bumper which is consistent with the damage to the Ka which police described as being like it had been opened like a can,” said Mr Anderton.

Marsden handed himself in two days later.

“He must have known, or suspected, that personal injury had been caused,” said Mr Anderton. “Had he remained at the scene he would have been breathalysed.”

Marsden said he was unaware of the contact with the other vehicle.

Marsden said he worked as a builder and was “just keeping going” until he receives his pension in August. He said his brother would be able to drive him to work if he was banned.